Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This week has been kinda weird for me. It's had its ups and downs. Today I was planning on going to Montgomery to shop and meet a friend for dinner. However when I woke up at 10am..plans changed. I felt like I needed to let loose and RUN. Girls, I have not been in shape for a while. So I put some Nike Fit Shorts on and a tank...I love Nike Shorts! Amazing!
They come in all colors! So I ran about 2 miles today walked a half a mile, and was super proud of myself! After that, I went to get Chloe her favorite bone ever for being such a sweet girl!
I just love my sweet Chloe! No matter how good or bad my day has been, I know that she is ALWAYS there by the door waiting for me! I love pulling into the driveway and seeing her head pop up through the window! Isn't it wonderful how much a pet can love you? I know that no matter what happens, Chloe is always there for me and will always be there waiting with tons of sweet kisses :)

After that Mom and I met for lunch (I've lost some weight in the past few days so she wanted me to and then my momma filled my car with gas :) Thanks Mom!

I then went home and got ready and left for some shopping in Montgomery and had dinner with a friend. It was a fun and productive day off!

Happy Hump Day!



  1. Girl, I need some of your motivation! I haven't worked out in probably two months!!! I did get a prenatal pilates DVD so we will see how that goes! Hope you have a great day! ~Andrea @ Life in Dawleywood

  2. I've just recently (as in last week) gotten back into the workout mode. I need all the motivation I can get - and I agree, cute workout clothes make me happy!

  3. Keep up the good work! I started P90X on Monday along with running a few miles a day to try and get in to shape! (Needless to say, I have been HURTING all week haha!) But you look beautiful anyway!!

  4. Sounds like a great day! I love those Nike shorts too but I need some motivation to put them on a go work out!
