Last night 'R' and I went on another date :) We have been on numerous dates since the blind date! We have been on fun dates, family dates, and last night we went on a date "Under The Big Top". The towns we live in are fairly small and you feel as if you do the same things over and over again, so 'R' wanted to do something different, so he got us some VIP tickets to the CIRCUS!! We felt like kids again! (I'm almost 21 and he's 24) The animals were super fun to watch and so were the acrobat/trapeze artists! Here's some pics of our night! My camera died midway through, and it didn't want to take great pics because it was kind of dark, but these will have to do!

Throughout the show, the men came around selling snacks and light sticks. I was amazed that most of the time they balanced the cotton candy, snocones, and popcorn on top of their heads!

The picture above shows 2 tigers and the fire hoops they jumped through :) It was so neat watching all of the animals! Some cute doggies were also in the circus acts. This one dog in particular rode the back of a small pony, and played with it's mane, like play biting it like a soft toy, it was just too funny! 3 dirt bikes did tricks in this 1 big metal ball at the same time!!! It was crazy, i could hardly watch i was so scared for them! One girl in there riding was ONLY 11YEARS OLD!!!! That's crazy!!

I wanted some PINK cotton candy after the show, but when it was over with they didn't sell it anymore :( I was a little saddened, but 'R' said we would go to Sonic for a Snicker's/Butterfinger blast in it's place :)
**In case anyone wants to know, things have gone really well with "R" and I. We have met the parents and had some great times with that being said, "R" and I have decided to take the next now we are "OFFICIAL" and boyfriend/girlfriend. Yay! You know it's official once it's on FACEBOOK!**
Today I will be shopping for an outfit to wear to "R''s grandmother's "Campaign BBQ In the Park" on Sunday at 1. I will be meeting the rest of his family then...ANY IDEAS ON WHAT TO WEAR?? It's still like 90 degrees here...and this event is outside!
Happy Weekend!!