Time to draw on our pumpkins and carve! We all drew our pumpkins free-hand.
Here's my cute little owl all lit up :) Have any of you carved pumpkins yet? If so, what did they look like? I'd love to hear about them! Have a FABULOUS week! -Lindsay
Have a FABULOUS weekend!
Question: What's your favorite cookie?
Have a FABULOUS weekend!
So far, I am loving it! I thought it would take a long time to get used to the touchscreen panel, but so far, it's working out for me! I am loving all the apps too! I know have Skype, Facebook, blogger, games, Barcode Scanner, tons of other cool stuff too! Do any of you have a Droid? Any cool apps you think I should get?
*I have a Microeconomics test today, wish me luck!*
Have a fabulous day!
We have been wanting to see this for awhile now. It was really good, especially if you like stock stuff :) After the movie we met up with some friends!
**The top I'm wearing is one I bought from Francesca's at the beach**
Have a fabulous weekend! I'm off to get a Mocha Frappe and do some homework..
Getting dinner ready was half the fun! Ryan was the grill master for the evening and cooked everyones steaks to their liking and also grilled the Vegetable Kabobs!! He did a great job!
"Mitch" wanted his CORN really CLEAN...NO HAIRS! So how do you do that?..a toothbrush of course!
Sunday after our morning walk on the beach, we went to Destin for more shopping and lunch :) Ryan and I ate at Red Brick Pizza and split a pizza...we ate it ALL!! He was proud of me for eating all of my half :) I will show you later this week some items I bought in Destin! On the way home, I just HAD to have a Mocha Frappe' :) Perfect ending to a fabulous weekend!