Monday, August 2, 2010

London Part 2

The first night in London we took some some underground subways to Picadilly and looked at looked around. There were many wonderful window displays, my fav's were in Harrod's windows! There were some street performers in the main center of the roundabout in Piccadilly.

After much walking and riding we caught a little appetite and decided to find some food from a little pizza/calzone restauraunt. All the food was premade and they pressed it and it was nice and toasty.

After a good night's rest we woke up early to go into London and do our sightseeing! When we arrived at the airport to get on the train to main London, we were buying our tickets and Rebecca said I was her child (i was in the bathroom and they didn't see me) and so I got my trian ticket for 1 euro! while everyone elses was 8 euros :) There's a plus to being small :) Here I am showing off my CHILD train ticket!
We had to have some Starbucks to make sure we would be energized all day:)
There were many musicals available in London to go and see. Nick Jonas from The Jonas Brothers was even in town starring in Les Miserables.
Next up, our Sightseeing Tour on the Double Decker..where was again, I got charged for a child ticket!On the tour we also saw a disco-glitter VW van, a gate that cost over $1 million dollars, some school kids on a field trip, and the Queen's chemist!

Some more sight-seeing pics of the main attractions are coming up later this week!
Have a great week!


  1. Great pictures -- looks like you guys are having a great time! That pizza looked really yummy too! :)

  2. lucky duck! london is so wonderful! i'm glad you had a blast....and a child's ticket is a great thing if you can get one! i've been tall since 5th grade ;)

  3. The Jonas Brothers played softball outside about one mile away from my house this week.
