My New Year's resolution for 2011 was to exercise more and start eating healthy.
*I NEED to follow through with this.
*I NEED to feel good about myself.
*I NEED to be a healthy person.
*I NEED to set an example for others.
It is January 24th and I have 24 days to try and work on my resolution..I have failed. It is now time to step up and get with the program. I have only worked out maybe 3 days this year for like 45 minutes each day. Fail.
**The following are MY personal goals for myself **
Here's the scoop:
My senior year of high school was my best year. I weighed anywhere from around 93-96 pounds, worked out for about 3 hours a day and walked most evenings with my my friend Kaylyn. I played tennis everyday for 4 years (Aug-April). I exercised alot and was very active. My thighs were firm and I had a cute bikini body.
Now I am about 105 pounds, size 0 and eat lots of sweets and don't watch what I eat. I also drink WAY too many Diet Coke's. I love me some Diet Coke :) I am wanting to eat healthy meals and healthy foods. Maybe more fruits and veggies and more protein.
*Tonight I am doing some sit-ups to work on my abs
*Tomorrow night I am going to the gym with a friend
...let's hope this continues
For the next few days I am going to do the Special K diet. I did this a few years ago and it worked for me and filled me up. You eat Special K for 2 meals and then your choice for the other meal. Choose low calorie snacks in between meals, preferably Special K snacks. They have the BEST crackers and protein bars!

I will try and "journal" what I eat everyday and the exercises I do. I will start posting that tomorrow!
Do any of you girls have any recipes for healthy eating?? I would love for you to share them!!
Have a FABULOUS day and thanks for listening to my plan/vent :)